Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Transfer to Whitehouse

So, this week i got transferred to east Texas to a area called Bullard and Whitehouse. It makes Plano look so small! If we were to drive from on side of our area to the other.. it would probably take about 70 miles to do it! okay so my companion is Elder Derrick and he is from Salt Lake City, Utah. When I got here, he told me about all of our investigators. we have quite a bit and one has a baptismal date for december 17th so i hope that goes through. Her name is Natalie and she has a smoking problem, but I know the Lord can help her with that. We have about 8 investigators total right now that we are teaching. so much more than we had in Plano! My area reminds me alot like the mountains because there is trees everywhere... except no mountains haha. Thanks giving this week was great although it was kind of hard not being with family. The families we ate with were the Prices, Walls, Reaves and Bro. Parmer. We all ate together. The Walls have a daughter who is a year younger than me and she is gorgeous! It's so hard not to flirt with her being a missionary and all haha. So, this Bro. Parmer guy is way cool! He is 83 years old and about in january or something. the missionaries knocked on his door and said he wanted to be baptized on his door step! He was so golden! He received the melchizadek priesthood 6 months later!! Elder derrick also surprised me by saying I had to give a talk at church on Sunday. It was on the plan of salvation. Well when sunday came around, I gave one of the best talks i probably have ever given! It was awesome! The ward members really appreciated it too! These wards are great but super small! well that was my week.
love elder christensen

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving week. Transferring to Tyler, Texas.

This week has been so hectic. We did quite a bit of tracting but found no one that was a little interested. except on lady who we found saturday. she was black and she was way nice and said she believed in the 3 degrees of glory. Saturday was our busiest day. It was the Plano stake day of service and so we went with 8th ward to clean up a canal that was full of dams from beavers and had tons of trash everywhere. so we spent 2 hours or so cleaning that up. We got pretty dirty. Saturday night we attended a Korean fireside. It was a neat experience even though i couldnt understand anything. The spirit was definantly there! Friday was our biggest day! We baptized Linda Davis and confirmed her a member on Sunday at church. We went out to lunch with Mark Warner..(grandmas brother) Saturday night came around and we were thinking we werent going to get a call for transfers but then at 10 we did. I am going to east Texas to a place called Tyler, Texas and the area I cover is going to be (bullard and whitehouse).. I also get a car and an apartment and I'm really happy about that:) (Elder Sinclair was mad about that and hes training again haha) so thats pretty much what happened this week!
love elder christensen

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tracting after dark.

We are usually out tracting or in a lesson till about 830 or 9. and it gets dark here around 645. dont worry though. i bought a light set for my bike so its all good! (answer to question if the missionaries are in before dark)

This week has been way crazy and way tiring!!! wednesday i went on an exchange with the plano 3&6 elders and i was with elder draper for the whole day. we spent 6 hours tracting finding no body! everyone was kinda rude to us that day too! we actually talked to a jehovahs witness and asked him if he had ever read the book of mormon and he said no. he also said that he didnt belief it was correct. we told him that we were sorry he felt that way and then walked off haha. some people just dont understand how much more happiness they can have in their lifes but what ever. Friday was probably the most tiring day of them all. we had a 6 hour long meeting in mckinney which is about 30 minutes north of where i am! it was a very good training and i definantly learned a lot. president durrant told all the elders and sisters that my mom won mrs. idaho america 2012 and i turned super red haha. everyone had dropped jaws! it was kind of funny too:). i told him in my last week letter to him so i guess he felt like i was okay with him saying that to everyone. Saturday i went on another exchange with the zone leaders. i went with elder price and they have a car so i was in a car all day. it was way nice! elder price is a spanish missionary and he goes home 2 days before thanksgiving so he is super trunky! well we had a full day of lessons so i told him i was just going to sit, smile and nod my head haha. i could only pick out a few words of what he was saying. we had dinner with a spanish sister and she has a table where you have to sit cross legged on the ground. it was a cool experience thats for sure. she also made homemade horchata which was really good! so thats my week in a nut shell i guess haha.

i love you madre!
love elder christensen

Monday, November 7, 2011

The week began with Halloween Trunk or Treat and ended with the stomach flu. :/


I was way excited to see that you won that. of course it would be the year that i was on my mission! im so would have been there to be your support. you know im your loudest child! haha. in a good way i think!? or hope;) this week has been a whirlwind! monday was halloween and we went to the church that night for trunk or treat. elder sinclair laid in the trunk of our recent converts car and was scaring kids as they went to grab candy out of the bowl haha. this week has been also a lot of tracting!! yippee!!! we actually got caught in a rain storm wednesday night while biking to our dinner appointment so we got there a little wet haha. we ended up having another lesson with linda davis. (mother of diana andrews) and she came to church yesterday. we also had joel holland one of the investigators that we tracted into at church yesterday too! so i never thought that members would fight over missionaries for thanksgiving but i guess it happens. Heres the bad new about my week. i went to bed friday night feeling good.. but woke up at 1:30 puking my bloody brains out! i was up every half hour after that throwing up. my saturday was horrible! i layed in bed all day and did absolutely nothing! well thats my week in a nut shell i guess? haha.

i love you mom and i am proud of you for winning mrs. idaho america 2012!! its a good thing you won! because the world is ending next year! hahahahahaha:) i love you mommy!
love elder christensen